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Minutes - October 3, 2007 Approved
October 3, 2007

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Herbert, Ms. Harper Ms. Bellin, Mr. Hart, Mr. Desrocher and Ms. Diozzi.

238 Lafayette Street

Jane Ann and Josh Turiel submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for paint colors.  The body will be Spanish Moss, the trim will be Lumen and the shutters and door will be Black.

Mr. Hart asked what the color of the decorative detail will be.

Ms. Turiel stated that it will be black.

Mr. Hart suggested deep red.

Ms. Turiel stated that she was considering a burgundy.

Ms. Herbert suggested that the door be the same as the accent.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to approve the application as submitted with the option that the door and decorative detail be a dark shade of red to be approved by Ms. Herbert.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

29 Washington Square

In continuation of a previous meeting, the John Bertram House Trust submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the third floor windows throughout the building with double hung insulated windows.  Richard Griffin was present representing the Trust.

Mr. Griffin provided a Vetter window sample and noted that the mullions were aluminum.  He also provided a Trimline Heritage Ultrafit SDL window sample.

Mr. Griffin stated that only the sash 3will be replaced.  They will replicate the existing window color.

Ms. Herbert stated the muntin is a little thick in the middle.

Mr. Griffin stated that it is a 1888 house, so they were dealing with larger panes of glass and larger muntins.

Ms. Herbert suggested the use of J. B. Sash.

Mr. Desrocher stated that he liked the Trimline better because the spacer is less visible.

Mr. Hart stated that he was okay with the Trimline, but not the Vetter.

Ms. Herbert stated that one concern with aluminum mullions is the ability to hold paint.  She asked if the Trimline was tilt and removable.

Mr. Griffin replied in the affirmative.

Ms. Herbert stated that the design of the muntin is appropriate for the window due to the distance from the third floor.

Mr. Desrocher added that the muntin size is also okay due to the substantial size of the windows.

Mr. Hart suggested asking the manufacturer if they can make the mullion at a more historic angle.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to approve the replacement of all the third floor sash with Trimline Heritage Ultrafit Simulated Divided Light all wood windows, 7/8” mullions, clear glass, with bronze spacer and to request that the applicant inquire if manufacturer can angle the mullions so that they match the existing mullions on the house, noting that the finding is that the third floor windows are minimally visible from the street and that muntin size is compatible with the unusually large size of the windows.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

20 Hathorne Street

Linda Locke presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing front landing, steps and rails in wood.  The lower posts will be 5 ½” x 5 ½” x 42”H.  The upper posts will be 10 ½” x 10 ½” x 42” high.  The rails will be 38” high.  The platform will be 4’ x 8’ and the sides will be trimmed with bead board.  Also present was the contractor, John Camire.

Ms. Guy noted that the work had already begun and the worked was stopped.  The photos show the prior condition and the current condition, as well as some photos showing examples of what is proposed.

Ms. Locke stated that they are not replacing the existing, but building over the existing cement blocks.

Mr. Camire stated that there are two 20” blocks.

Ms. Locke noted that there was a small railing previously.

Mr. Desrocher questioned if the bead board will provide sufficient venting underneath.  He suggested the use of lattice instead.

Mr. Camire stated that the proposed posts are to mirror the posts against the house.

Mr. Hart asked if there was a drawing.

Mr. Camire replied in the negative.

Mr. Hart stated that there should be a cap on top of the post.

Ms. Locke stated that the prior owner installed vinyl windows on the right side of the house.

Mr. Hart stated that there is typically a step from the deck to the door, but that the proposed is just a threshold.

Ms. Herbert questioned if the recessed panel will require removal of the mailboxes.  She noted that the doors are not original and that the front has been kind of bastardized.  She stated that the bottom step as constructed looks high.  She suggested providing better pictures of what they are planning to do.

Mr. Hart stated that the conventional thing to do is put a post on the top of the step, however the construction underway shows it set back from the leading edge of the step.

Mr. Camire noted that the posts have not been trimmed out as yet.

Mr. Hart stated that he would like a drawing.

Ms. Herbert suggested a site visit.

Mr. Hart was concerned that the end result might be something very unconventional.

Ms. Bellin suggested dropping the deck at the door and eliminating one stair.

Mr. Camire noted that the top posts are heavier than the lower posts.

Ms. Guy questioned how important is was to the applicant to have chunky posts with recessed panels.

Ms. Locke stated that she could eliminate them.

Mr. Desrocher made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting in order for the applicant to provide a drawing.  

Mr. Hart stated that he would like to see a plan and side elevation.

Ms. Herbert stated that it could be done on graph paper.

Mr. Hart stated that the two posts should be the same dimension.

Ms. Guy stated that if the stairs must be narrower for the walkway, that another set of posts and a return be added to the top railing.

Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Other Business

Ms. Guy stated that she received a copy of a letter from Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) to BGA Architects requesting additional photographs for the Witch House project.

Ms. Guy provided the Commission members with copies of a letter from MHC to DCAM with a copy of the most recent Draft Memorandum of Understanding for the Courthouse project.

Ms. Guy provided the Commission members with copies of a letter from Representative John Keenan with a copy of Senate Bill 2014, An Act Relative to Historic Residential Tax Credit.

There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Desrocher seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission